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IIT Madras MS (Computer Science) Interview Experience

5 minute read


This year cut-off of MS program at IIT Madras, GATE score should be greater than 600 and UG percentage should be greater than 75%. They shortlisted 231 candidates for written test, which was held on 8th may 2018. Around 160 candidates were present out of 231 candidates. The written exam was started around 2 p.m on the same day. There were 2 papers 1) Objective paper 2) Subjective paper. 1) The objective paper contained 30 questions. Each question of 2 marks and negative marking was there -0.25 for each wrong question. A syllabus is same as GATE syllabus. Each subject contained 3 questions. The level of questions was good than GATE questions (More logical and need a little thinking). 5-7 questions were straightforward. Aptitude section had 5 questions and not easy at all like GATE aptitude. 2) The subjective paper had 2 questions. first one was about to build an algorithm to find all local minimum in given complete binary tree. A second was like a Statement of Purpose “Why do you want to pursue MS at IIT Madras”?




Introduction to Machine Learning


  • Lab sessions on various machine learning and data science algorithms and prepared tutorials in python for giving hands-on experience to attendees.
  • I conducted theory sessions on basic ML algorithms like Stochastic gradient descent, Multivariate linear regression, Logstic regression and Kth nearest neighbour.
  • More about summer school, you can find [Here]

Hands-on Machine Learning


  • Lab sessions on various machine learning and data science algorithms and prepared tutorials in python for giving hands-on experience to attendees.
  • I conducted theory sessions on ML paradigms and applied Logistic Regression and Decision Tree on real world datasets.
  • Importance of data pre-processing and data wrangling to evaluation metric.
  • You can find ipython notebook [Here]

Hands-on Machine Learning


  • Lab sessions on various machine learning and data science algorithms and prepared tutorials in python for giving hands-on experience to attendees.
  • I conducted theory sessions on ML paradigms and introduction to clustering.
  • In-depth detail of K Means clustering algorithm with smart Initialization
  • Implementing K means from scratch and visualization of step by step process in ipython notebook.
  • You can find ipython notebook [Here]


Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.